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Raw Food: Holistic Nutrition

At Pawsh Pet Place we advocate feeding a raw food diet to your cats and dogs. The benefits of this type of diet are many: healthy skin and shiny coat, cleaner and whiter teeth, fresh breath, healthy digestive system, stronger immune system, decreased allergies, healthy body weight, more muscle mass, less doggy odour, smaller and less smelly poop.

Dry processed foods (kibble) are high in carbohydrates which cause inflammation and diseases like diabetes, cancer and heart disease. Other symptoms include: loose stool and diarrhea, joint issues, itchy paws, skin rash, yeasty skin, and chronic ear infections. Feeding raw food can clear up many of these issues. Feeding raw is easy when you start with a quality premade food like our newly arrived Spring Meadows Natural Pet Food. Some owners choose to transition by feeding raw in the morning and kibble in the evening until they can see the benefits for themselves. There is a lot to be gained by feeding real food. Other whole foods that benefit dog and cat health are raw goats milk and kefir, raw eggs, sardines packed in water, vegetables, and bone broth.

Talk to us about taking the first steps to making your pet healthy from the inside out.

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